Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll


Another study of fundamental movement skills in sports (FUS) was conducted. The results are alarming. The new report shows that 94% of the children examined have an insufficient level of movement competence. Only 11% can jump rope, 74% cannot dribble a ball, and 94% of children from grades 1–3 cannot throw and catch a ball correctly – says Michał Banaś from the AWF in Biała Podlaska. According to the researchers, in the coming years, activities should aim to implement programs aimed at teaching and improving movement skills, so as to “effectively and purposefully build a foundation for lifelong physical activity” – encourages interia/

But the research ignored the outstanding palpation skills in operating screens and keyboards. Could it be because of the PE lobby?

The government was supposed to work on the audiovisual fee in April, but that did not happen and the topic died down, and the National Broadcasting Council recently announced that the RTV subscription fees for 2025 would remain unchanged. In the new project, the tax would be collected together with the PIT, so it would not be possible to avoid it. The amount, according to plans, will be PLN 108 per year, but for each household member aged 26 to 75. Those who only have a smartphone will also pay, because they can use it to receive RTV. It may be comforting that work on the audiovisual fee has not yet started – reassures

The tax is paid on the value or quantity of a given good. The value of the so-called content arouses delight in some, nausea in others.

Concerns Automotive companies are withdrawing from ambitious plans to produce electric cars, according to Forbes, due to falling demand. This has consequences for the energy transition, as well as for many financial institutions that have committed to decarbonizing their loans and investments. Goldman Sachs predicts a 2% year-on-year drop in electric vehicle sales this year, Mercedes Benz announced that it will not meet the 2025 deadline, when electric vehicles, including hybrids, were to account for 50% of all sales. General Motors announced that it is withdrawing from its plan to produce 400,000 electric cars by mid-2024, despite an announcement in 2022 that it would phase out combustion engines by 2035. Ford announced that it is postponing its planned $12 billion investment in electric vehicles – worries

No worries; the government has, the government will give. They’ll fund a few million electricians and that’ll be it.

association “Polski Recykling” states that the PET deposit system will be ineffective without Extended Producer Responsibility (EPR). Already in 2017, a Deloitte study indicated that introducing a deposit-refund system in Poland would cost from PLN 19 to 23 billion. Additionally, the annual operating cost is approximately PLN 3 billion. The lack of an EPR system and failure to implement the EU directive means financial sanctions, as the deadline expired on January 5, 2023. “Poland is one of the last EU countries where the costs of packaging collection are borne exclusively by residents as part of municipal fees.” Fees from packaging producers amount to over EUR 600 per tonne in Austria, over EUR 470 in Spain, and over EUR 200 in the Czech Republic. Polish producers pay several times less.

“Polish Recycling” conceals the terrible knowledge that the costs everywhere are borne “exclusively by residents”, because the producer includes the fee in the price of the packaging.
