Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

Golden Engineer 2024

Adam Wysokowski

Prof. PhD. Eng. Adam Wysokowski – graduate of the Faculty of Civil Engineering at the Wrocław University of Science and Technology (1978). In the years 1983–1986 he worked at the Wrocław Road and Bridge Construction Company. His most important professional achievement from this period is the viaduct over the Nysa Kłodzka valley using innovative – at that time – prestressed bolt connections.

Based on his dissertation “The operational strength of steel spans of road bridges”, he obtained a Ph.D. in technology from the Wrocław University of Science and Technology in 1986.

From 1986 to 2007 – employed at the Road and Bridge Research Institute in Warsaw (IBDiM), where he headed the Bridge, Concrete and Aggregate Research Centre in Żmigród (IBDiM branch). In 2003, for his habilitation thesis (Warsaw University of Technology) “Durability of steel bridges as a function of fatigue and corrosion phenomena” he was awarded the Minister of Infrastructure Award. He completed scientific internships in Australia, Japan, and the USA, among others. His research interests focus mainly on the issues of maintenance and durability of engineering structures.

In the years 1989-2000 he was the main coordinator of the Bridge Management System. He cooperates with the European Association of Road Laboratories (FEHRL) and is a long-term EU expert in the field of Sustainable Surface Transport, Horizon 2020, and currently Horizon Europa.

Under his leadership, many recommendations for bridge engineering concerning modern technologies and research methods as well as estimating the impact of corrosion on the load-bearing capacity of steel bridges were developed and issued.

Active member of domestic and foreign engineering associations, including PZITB, PSTB, IABSE, ASCE, SEI.

Since 2004 he has been the head of the Department of Roads, Bridges and Railways at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Environmental Engineering of the University of Zielona Góra. In 2020. received the academic title of professor.

Author of numerous technical projects and expert opinions in the field of civil engineering and transport, as well as the monograph “Durability of steel bridges” awarded in the NOT “Technicus-2023” Competition.


Mariusz Malinowski

Prof. PhD. Eng. M. Malinowski was a PhD student at the Institute of Control and Industrial Electronics (ISiEP) of the Warsaw University of Technology in 1998-2001. During his PhD studies, he was on scholarships in Denmark and the USA. He obtained his PhD with distinction in 2001 (Siemens award for his doctoral dissertation), and habilitation in 2012 (award of the President of the Council of Ministers of the Republic of Poland). Since 2002, he has been employed at ISiEP PW, successively as: assistant professor, in 2013-19 as a university professor, and for the last 5 years as a professor. He completed internships at several foreign universities and cooperated among others. with: ABB, PSE Operator, TWERD, LOPI, TRUMPF Huettinger, Wave Dragon, Danfoss Drives, Vestas.

Research interests include power electronics, electric drive, electromobility, smart power grids and renewable energy sources. He participated in over 30 research and implementation projects as a manager and main contractor. He was a reviewer and member of the committee assessing doctoral theses in: Poland, England, Denmark, Germany, Italy, Spain, India, Switzerland, Estonia and Australia. He promoted 5 doctors. Starting in 2019. Twice elected to the Council of Scientific Excellence, since 2021 – member of the Faculty of Technical Sciences of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

Active in IEEE: 2014-15 Vice-Chair of the Polish Section of IEEE; 2016-19 Chair; 2002-05 Secretary, responsible for membership development (2006-09) and co-organizer of the milestone awards ceremony: Polish mathematicians for breaking Enigma codes (2014) and for J. Czochralski’s discovery of the crystallization rate measurement method (2019). He was an associate editor of IEEE journals for many years: Ind. Electronics Mag. i red. on. (2010-12),assistant editor Trans. on Ind. Electronics and Trans. on Power Electronics . W l. 2003-23 współorganizował ponad 25 międzynarodowych konferencji IEEE. W l. 2022-23 był prezydentem IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (11 tys. członków). Ma najwyższy stopień w IEEE oznaczony jako IEEE Fellow. Aktywny członek SEP, ma wiele wyróżnień, odznak honorowych i medali.


Henryk Zobel

Prof. PhD. Eng. Henryk Zobel – an outstanding specialist in the field of bridge engineering, full professor at the Warsaw University of Technology at the Faculty of Civil Engineering, at the Institute of Roads and Bridges. He graduated from this university and began working there as an assistant, earning subsequent academic degrees of Ph.D. and Ph.D. PhD In 2005 he received the title of professor in the field of technical sciences (construction).

Prof. H. Zobel has been the head of the Bridge Department at the Institute of Roads and Bridges at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology since 2002. In the years 2009–2016 he was the Dean of the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Warsaw University of Technology. He is also the editor-in-chief of “Archives of Civil Engineering”. A long-time member of the Committee of Civil and Water Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences.

In 2015, he was appointed to the Scientific Council of the General Directorate for National Roads and Motorways. Specialist in the design, construction and operation of bridges, in particular steel, wooden and made of polymer composites. An important area of his scientific interests are thermal phenomena in bridges. Prof. H. Zobel has designed and implemented larger sets of bridge structures, including: the WKD viaduct, the bridge over the Czarna River in Połaniec, or the pedestrian footbridge in Gądki near Poznań, where a polymer composite bridge was used for the first time in Poland and a tubular girder was filled with concrete. He is also co-author of the concept of the Krasiński Bridge in Warsaw. He was a scientific consultant for the design and implementation of the North Bridge in Warsaw, the bridge over the Odra in Wrocław, the bridge over the Odra in Opole and the bridge over the Vistula in Sandomierz.

He is the author of 9 books, 50 articles, 88 papers, 50 reports, 63 opinions, 162 expert opinions, 81 projects and over 50 supervisions and verifications. For his achievements he was honored with state decorations and awards, including the Medal of the 100th Anniversary of the Renewal of Tradition of the Warsaw University of Technology and the “Compass of Normalization” Award. Supervisor of many doctoral dissertations.

For the monograph “Steel Bridges” he received an award in the competition of the Supreme Technical Organization “Technicus” 2024.
