Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

Golden Engineer 2024

Andrzej Dowgiałło

Prof. PhD. Eng. Andrzej Dowgiałło – graduate of the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering of the Gdańsk University of Technology in the field of food industry machines and devices. He defended his doctoral dissertation in 1990 at the Gdańsk University of Technology. In 2004. he obtained a post-doctoral degree, and in 2013 he received the title of professor. n. agricultural. Since 1973 he has been working at the Sea Fisheries Institute – National Research Institute, where he heads the Department of Processing Technology and Mechanization. In the years 2006-22 he worked at the Faculty of Mechanics of the Koszalin University. His professional interests focus on the processing of food raw materials of aquatic origin in two research areas: the mechanization of fish, crustaceans and squid processing operations and the development of technology for their processing for food and feed purposes.

He managed many research and RD projects financed by KBN, PARP and ARiMR. Their effects are numerous scientific studies, monographs, 41 patents, which he co-authored, and implemented innovative machines for processing crustaceans and fish. They were awarded 2 cups of the Minister of Agriculture, numerous medals at international trade fairs and innovation exhibitions, as well as diplomas of the Minister of Science and Higher Education and the Minister of Agriculture. He is a laureate of team awards of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development and a two-time laureate of the Laur Innowacyjności competition.

He was a member of the Food Processing Mechanization Section of the Committee of Agricultural Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences in the years 1997–1999, 2003–2006 and 2011–2014. He is currently a member of NOT, the Polish Society of Food Processing Engineering and Technology Spomasz, the Association of Polish Inventors and Rationalizers, the International Academy of Refrigeration and the Academy of Engineering in Poland. He was awarded the Silver and Gold Cross of Merit, the Knight’s Cross of the Order of Polonia Restituta, the following badges: Meritorious Worker of the Sea, Meritorious for Agriculture, For Merits for Invention, the Gold Badge of Honor of NOT and medals of the Committee of Agricultural Technology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, the KEN and SPWiR.


Ryszard Strzelecki

Prof. PhD. Eng. Ryszard Strzelecki – Graduated from the Kyiv Polytechnic University (1981), where he also obtained his Ph.D. in 1984. Postdoctoral degree at the Institute of Electrodynamics of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. He received the title of professor of technology in 1999.

He began his academic career at the Institute of Industrial Automation of the University of Technology and Agriculture in Bydgoszcz (from 2022 Bydgoszcz University of Technology). He conducted scientific and teaching activities in many research centers and universities, including the University of Zielona Góra, Gdynia Maritime University, Gdańsk University of Technology, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Electrical Engineering, Baltic Power Electronics Laboratory. He was a member of the Committee on Electrical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences (by election) and a member of the Power Electronics and Propulsion Section of the Committee on Electrical Engineering of the Polish Academy of Sciences. His scientific discipline is automation, electronics, electrical engineering and space technologies. Prof. Strzelecki’s publication portfolio is extremely rich. Citations = 994/942 (Web of Science); = 1974 (Scopus); = 3992 (Google Scholar), as well as patent achievements.

He has participated and continues to participate in editorial committees of numerous professional journals, including foreign ones. He participates in scientific committees of many conferences.

Prof. Strzelecki is active in scientific and technical organizations. In 1995–1998 he chaired the SEP Branch at the Zielona Góra University of Technology, in 2007–2014 he was the chairman of the National Power Electronics Committee of SEP. In 1996 he joined the Polish Society of Theoretical and Applied Electrical Engineering, where until 2004 he chaired the PTETiS Branch in Zielona Góra. He is also a member of IEEE (Power Electronic and Industry Electronic Society).

He has been distinguished and received numerous awards and distinctions, including: incl. Golden Cross of Merit (2000), Award of the Minister of National Education for an academic textbook (2002), Medal of the National Education Commission 2006), 2nd Award of the President of the Council of Ministers (team) for 2014 for scientific and research achievements.


Tomasz Kulisiewicz

Tomasz Kulisiewicz – Master of Science in Computer Science from the Budapest University of Technology (1974), Ph.D. in Information Science from the University of Warsaw (2015). Analyst, collaborator of research teams and consulting companies. Author and co-author of scientific publications (including monographs of SGH, UKSW, Polish Information Processing Society – PTI, Opole University, Óbuda University) and analyses for domestic and foreign institutions and the European Commission.

In the years 1975-1980 a systems engineer at the Central Road Information Technology Center, then an employee of Polish assembly companies in Hungary, in the years 1992-2008 an editor of specialist journals (PCkurier, Teleinfo, Electronic Administration, Law and Economics in Telecommunications), currently a collaborator of the PTI Domena journal. In the years 2015-2020 a lecturer at the postgraduate studies at the Faculty of Electronics and Information Technology of the Warsaw University of Technology and the Social Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, from 2022 a lecturer at the Faculty of Journalism, Information and Bibliology of the University of Warsaw.

W latach 1975-1980 inżynier systemowy w Centralnym Ośrodku Informatyki Drogownictwa, potem pracownik polskich firm montażowych na Węgrzech, w latach 1992-2008 redaktor czasopism specjalistycznych (PCkurier, Teleinfo, Elektroniczna Administracja, Prawo i ekonomia w telekomunikacji), obecnie współpracownik czasopisma PTI Domena. W latach 2015–2020 wykładowca studium podyplomowego Wydziału Elektroniki i Technik Informacyjnych Politechniki Warszawskiej oraz Społecznej Akademii Nauk w Warszawie, od 2022 r. wykładowca Wydziału Dziennikarstwa, Informacji i Bibliologii Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego.

Deals with, among other things: incl. economic and social aspects of information technology applications, including the use of artificial intelligence, e-administration services, as well as the history of computer science and electronic communication in Central and Eastern Europe, and as a hobby – the history of photography. He collaborates as a volunteer with the Katowice Museum of the History of Computers and Information Technology, popularizing the history of Polish computer science.

In the years 2010-2020 member of the Management Board of the Masovian Branch of PTI, in the years 2016-2023 secretary of the Sectoral Council for Competences – IT at PTI. Currently chairman of the Technical Committee for ICT Competences at the Polish Committee for Standardization. Since 2011 member of the Council of the Arbitration Court for Internet Domains at the Polish Chamber of Information Technology and Telecommunications. Co-founder and expert of the Centre for Studies on the Digital State. Member of PTI since 2005, PIIT since 2001.
