Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

Our offer is a response to market needs

SEEN Technologie has been implementing investments related to environmental protection since its establishment in 1990. Dariusz Jasak, President of the Management Board of SEEN Technologie Sp., talks about the company, completed projects and plans for the future. .

What distinguishes your offer from other companies in the industry?

Our offer is distinguished primarily by its innovation and comprehensiveness. We offer solutions tailored to the individual needs of our clients, based on the latest achievements in science and technology. Thanks to our advanced approach, we are able to propose solutions that not only meet the highest quality standards, but are also economical and effective. We focus on technologies that allow for the reduction of resource consumption, minimization of pollutant emissions and recovery of valuable raw materials. Our offer also includes consulting services that help our clients optimize processes related to water and sewage management and sludge management. Thanks to our experience and professionalism, we are able to implement even the most complex projects, tailored to specific requirements. Our specialists are highly qualified engineers and technologists who constantly expand their knowledge and improve their skills. Each of our projects is carried out at the highest level, in compliance with applicable standards and legal regulations. SEEN Technologie is synonymous with modernity, efficiency and ecology in the field of water treatment, sewage treatment and sludge management. Our offer is a response to the needs of a market that is increasingly paying attention to issues related to environmental protection and sustainable development. We are proud that we can contribute to creating a more friendly and healthy environment for future generations.


Environmental protection is a hot topic now. There is a need to implement technologies that protect the environment. Have you recently noticed an increased interest in the company’s offer?

Definitely yes. More and more companies and public institutions are aware of the need to protect the environment and are looking for modern solutions in the field of water treatment, sewage treatment, and are also paying attention to the need to transform waste into valuable raw materials and electricity and heat. The growth of ecological awareness translates into growing interest in our offer. We cooperate with both the private and public sectors, providing solutions tailored to the specific requirements of each client. The projects we have completed demonstrate our ability to provide tailor-made solutions, adapted to local conditions and legal requirements. Thanks to this, we can effectively respond to the diverse needs of our clients, providing them with not only modern technologies, but also comprehensive support at every stage of cooperation. We are proud of our experience and successes, which reflect the trust that clients from all over the world have in us.

Have customer expectations changed over the years the company has been in business?

Yes, customer expectations have evolved with technological progress and growing environmental awareness. Our installations are designed with maximum energy efficiency and minimal environmental impact in mind, which is particularly important in the context of global challenges related to climate change. In particular, we focus on processes that allow customers to manage in closed raw material cycles, which are one of the determinants of the circular economy. Translated into practical terms, we are talking about all matters related to the recovery of raw materials and their reuse. We have dedicated design teams that are constantly looking for new technological solutions in this regard and are improving our offer to meet the growing expectations of the market in this direction. In addition, we offer our customers support not only at the design and implementation stage of the investment, but also during operation and servicing, ensuring full transparency and professionalism at every stage of cooperation. Our portfolio includes many demanding customers whose high expectations pose challenges for us, but also give them great satisfaction with the results achieved. We enjoy the trust of customers who appreciate our approach to projects and the ability to effectively meet their needs. Our clients are often leaders in their industries and expect the highest quality and innovative solutions.

Which industries are most likely to use the SEEN Technologies offer?

Our technologies are used in many different industries. Our main clients are companies from industries such as chemical, paper, agri-food processing, professional and manufacturing energy. Each of these industries has unique requirements that require an individual approach and selection of optimal technological solutions.

What was the last project that was completed and recently put into operation by SEEN Technologie?

The latest completed SEEN Technologie project is a modern biofermentation plant implemented for the Mlekovita Group in Wysokie Mazowieckie. The investment aimed not only to meet rigorous standards for wastewater treatment before discharge into the Brok River, but also to introduce innovative solutions to increase the plant’s operational efficiency. The project included the methane fermentation process of flotation sludge, excess sludge and whey, in order to produce biogas, which was used as fuel to generate electricity and heat in the form of steam. Additionally, the installation was to take over increased loads of pollutants reaching the existing treatment plant, ensuring operational flexibility, by connecting to the existing infrastructure. The project also assumed minimizing the amount of sludge produced and using purified water for technological purposes, which significantly reduces operating costs. The use of modern technologies, such as pressure flotation, activated sludge and methane fermentation, allowed for the creation of a comprehensive biorefinery tailored specifically to the needs of the production plant in Wysokie Mazowieckie. The treatment plant is able to handle the wastewater treatment process with loads equal to 350,000 PE, i.e. Population Equivalent. The biogas production efficiency is an impressive 5,146,500 m³ per year, which translates into the generation of 12.5 GWh of electricity per year. Due to the treatment plant demand of 5.6 GWh, an additional 6.8 GWh remains to be used in the production plant. In addition, the installation generates 12.0 GWh of heat energy per year, of which 4.4 GWh is used directly in the powder plant, thanks to the steam generator. The opening of this new facility is a significant step towards increasing operational efficiency and achieving the ambitious sustainable development goals of the Mlekovita Group, which fits perfectly into the strategy of combating climate change. We implemented the project on a turnkey basis.

How will the industry represented by SEEN Technologie develop and what are the company’s plans for the near future?

We see the future of the company in dynamic development both in terms of the scale of our operations and the market areas in which we want to exist. The direction of our market searches will always be the search for raw material and energy savings with maximum respect for the natural environment. We will promote new business models based on freeing our clients from conducting activities that are not key to them and entrusting them to a company as specialized as ours. We see great development potential here, mainly related to the use of our experience and expert knowledge.

Dariusz Jasak, President of the Management Board of SEEN Technologies Sp. .

We are currently implementing an ambitious project for the ORLEN S.A. refinery in Płock, which is one of the largest contracts not only in the water and sewage industry in this part of Europe, but also in the history of our company, worth almost PLN 1.27 billion net. The project includes the construction of a Vistula water treatment and demineralization plant for the needs of the Olefins Complex. We are pleased that we are implementing more and more projects for companies with which we have had the opportunity to cooperate before. This is particularly satisfying for us, because it proves that our offer and quality of services are appreciated by customers and build lasting business relationships. There is no greater satisfaction for us than a satisfied customer who decides to cooperate with us again. We are convinced that the key to success is reliability, solidity and high quality of services. SEEN Technologie is recognized as a partner that takes on the most demanding technological challenges. Our approach is based on extensive knowledge and rich experience, which allows us to effectively implement even the most complex projects.

Thank you for the interview.