Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

Summary of the finals of the national Olympiads in the school year 2023/2024

“Tell me and I will forget,

Show me and I will remember,

Let me do it and I will understand”

– Confucius

This year’s ceremonial summary of the national Olympiad finals gathered a large group of students, teachers, representatives of the technical industry and important figures associated with the inventive and rationalization movement. It was a moment full of emotion, joy and pride for all participants who achieved a high level in the competitions.

This year, the summaries of the national Olympiad finals took place over two days: on May 22, the Olympiad of Technical Innovations in Electronics and Mechatronics was summed up, and a day later, the Olympiad of Technical Innovations in Mechanics and the Olympiad of Technical Innovations in Environmental Protection. Both events took place at the Warsaw House of Technology – NOT. The honorary patronage over the Olympiads was assumed by the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland.

The Olympiads organized by the Polish Association of Inventors and Rationalizers Associations in the 2023/2024 school year are a continuation of the Technical Innovation and Invention Olympiad and the Young Masters of Technology Tournament organized for over 50 years.

More than 50 previous editions of the Olympiad have not only brought satisfaction to the participating students, but also made innovation on a broader scale present in the public awareness and became a factor enriching our national assets. There is nothing more valuable than the desire for knowledge and the desire to change the world around us for the better, and technical innovation is an essential component for the functioning of a competitive economy on the global market. The scientific and technological revolution requires from subsequent generations not only a willingness to take on new challenges and forward-thinking, but also competence and a high level of knowledge.

Among the guests invited to the ceremony were:

  • Vice-President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland – Mr. Dr. Piotr Zakrzewski;
  • Head of Division in the Department of Strategy, Qualifications and Vocational Training at the Ministry of National Education – Mr. Dr. Janusz Niedziółka;
  • Chairman of the Main Committee of the Olympiad of Technical Innovations in Mechanics – doc. Dr.-Ing. Wiesław Brociek;
  • Chief Specialist at the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland – Mr. Piotr Wiatrowski;
  • President of PZSWiR – Mr. Stanisław Janowczyk;
  • Vice President of PZSWiR – Mr. Ryszard Bajkowski;
  • Vice-President of PZSWiR – Mr. Tadeusz Wilczarski;
  • Vice-President of PZSWiR, Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad – Mr. Zbigniew Matuszczak;
  • Secretary General of PZSWiR – Mr. Tomasz Pilarski;
  • Member of the Presidium of the KR PZSWiR – Ms. Małgorzata Gajec;
  • Chairwoman of the PZSWiR Audit Committee, Coordinator of the Olympiads – Ms. Renata Kołodziej;
  • Coordinator of the Technical Innovation Olympiad in Electronics and Mechatronics – Ms. Beata Rymarczyk together with the organizational team – Ms. Katarzyna Kamińska and Ms. Ewa Zgardzińska;
  • Director of the Entrepreneurship Development Department at the Eurocentre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Ms Martyna Plewińska;
  • Director of the Economic Department at the Eurocentre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Ms Aldona Kurczaba;
  • Chief Specialist for the implementation of EU innovation projects at the Eurocentre of Innovation and Entrepreneurship – Ms Ewa Łopuszyńska;
  • Manager of EUROPE DIRECT Ostrów Wielkopolski – Ms. Ewelina Górna-Małolepsza.

During the ceremony, the young people – winners and finalists of the Olympiads received appropriate certificates, diplomas, cups and valuable prizes funded by the Ministry of National Education.

In the Technical Innovation Olympiad in Electronics and Mechatronics, the first three places were won by the following works:

  1. PLACE:
  • “PV self-consumption regulator” – Gabriel Czubak – Technical School No. 1 named after Waldemar Gostomczyk at the Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski;
  • “8thSENSE – Remote self-learning sound monitoring and detection system for deaf people” – Kamil Lonczar – Electrical and Electronic School Complex named after prof. Maksymilian Tytus Huber in Szczecin;
  • “Unmanned Flying-Walking Platform “Sparky” – Mateusz Jeżak, Patryk Brzozowski, Mateusz Wydra – Complex of Electronics Schools named after Heroes of Westerplatte in Radom and the Technical School Complex named after Tadeusza Kościuszki
    in Radom.
  • PLACE:
  • “Seeable – navigation and warning system” – Jakub Moczoł, Artur Nowak – School Complex No. 6 named after King John III Sobieski in Jastrzębie-Zdrój;
  • “PrismaView – A Look into the Future” – Maciej Krainski – Electronics School Complex in Bydgoszcz;
  • „A machine that increases the safety of farmed fish against predators” – Dawid Bryndziak, Maciej Kymona – Electronics and Electrical Schools Complex
    and Mechanical Engineering named after Jędrzej Śniadecki in Bielsko-Biała.
  • “Output Interface for The Blind” – Miłosz Obrębski, Juliusz Maklakiewicz, Wojciech Szymański – Electronics School Complex named after Polish Army in Bydgoszcz;
  • “SAFER CAR – SAFER FAMILY” – Paweł Komasara, Piotr Seremak – School Complex named after Home Army Guerrilla Unit “Jędrusie” in Połaniec;
  • “Innovative acoustic screen with the “Energy harvesting” module – Szymon Konarski – School Complex No. 18 in Wrocław.

In the Technical Innovations in Mechanics Olympiad the first three places were won by the works:

  1. PLACE:
  • „AiBach. “Automatic Organ Playing System” – Paweł Obsadny – Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski;
  • “Hand prosthesis “Right Hand” – Piotr Sakowski – Communication School Complex named after Nicolaus Copernicus University in Poznań;
  • “Serpente – an autonomous mobile robot with variable track geometry (AMR, VGSTV)” – Gracjan Bulczak – Communication School Complex named after Defenders of the Polish Post Office in Gdańsk.
  • PLACE:
  • “ENDURO Electric Motorcycle” – Joachim Komędera – Complex of Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Schools named after Jędrzej Śniadecki in Bielsko-Biała;
  • “Two-armed “Scara” robot with a pneumatic gripper” – Adrian Reszka, Kacper Kaczmarek, Maksymilian Wróbel – School Complex No. 18 in Wrocław;
  • “”The Second Bottom” – a system for automatic cleaning of bottom sediments in water reservoirs” – Hubert Łukawski, Julia Piechowiak, Oliwia Zagórowicz – Center for Vocational and Continuing Education No. 1 “Budowlanka” in Zielona Góra.
  • PLACE:
  • „AttoSorter. Autonomous industrial device classifying waste using a neural network algorithm” – Marek Marczak, Wojciech Adamski, Wojciech Jakubczyk – Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski;
  • “Innovative small-sized 3D printer” – Wojciech Leja, Kacper Kaczmarek, Maksymilian Sobczak – School Complex No. 18 in Wrocław;
  • “Special Vehicle” – Marcin Piwowar, Szymon Gankowski – Vocational Education Center in Stalowa Wola.

In the Olympics of Technical Innovations in Environmental Protection the first three places were taken by the works:

  1. PLACE:
  • “iTrask – an intelligent waste sorting system for home use as well
    as in public places”
    – Bartosz Gierlach, Bartłomiej Kaj, Tomasz Karwik – Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski;
  • “Design of a machine for sorting plastic, glass bottles and beverage cans” – Mateusz Jakubiec, Mieszko Gąstała – Complex of Electronic, Electrical and Mechanical Schools named after Jędrzej Śniadecki in Bielsko-Biała;
  • “Demarkerization of the Environment” – Jacek Winiarczyk, Michał Gryzio – 1st General Secondary School named after Stanisław Staszic in Lublin.
  • PLACE:
  • “Rainwater Retention System for the Training Centre of the Regional Centre for Education Development in Niwiki” – Natalia Roguła, Maximilian Maciosek, Wiktor Raczkowski – Complex of Technical and General Schools named after Kazimierz Gzowski in Opole;
  • “WasteWise: Smart Technology for Waste” – Jakub Pryszczewski, Maciej Szewczak – Electronics School Complex, Electronics Technical School in Lublin;
  • “Allergy and the comfort of life” – Lena Rzeźnik, Laura Luiza Wrona – General Secondary School No. III named after Władysław Broniewski in Ostrowiec Świętokrzyski.
  • PLACE:
  • “Designing the development of forest areas taking into account the aesthetics
    and landscape of the forest and meeting social needs in the field of recreation, forest therapy, education, etc.”
    – Oliwia Lis, Szymon Krukowski – Forestry Technical School. Adam Loret in Tuchola;
  • “Automatic waste separator” – Marcin Jaśkowski, Filip Zdeb – Electronics School Complex, Technical School No. 2 of the Mechanical School Complex named after gen.
    Wł. Sikorskiego in Kielce;
  • “Cztery KĄTY – a project supporting the protection of wild ducks in their natural environment” – Natalia Julia Kraśnicka, Zuzanna Karolina Borzych, Agata Pasternak – Centre for Vocational and Continuing Education No. 1 “Budowlanka in Zielona Góra.

Detailed results of the Olympiad are published on the website of the Polish Union of Inventors and Rationalizers Associations in Warsaw –

For achievements in the field of technical innovations and in recognition of special merits in the field of invention, at the request of the Polish Union of Inventors’ and Rationalizers’ Associations, the Prime Minister awarded Honorary Badges – “For Merits for Invention”:

  • Mr. Adam Tomaszewski – Director of the Complex of Technical and General Secondary Schools named after Stefan Banach in Jarosław – the organizer of this year’s final of the Technical Innovation Olympiad in Telecommunications and Information Technology;
  • Mr. Marian Chrapko – teacher and supervisor of many winners and finalists of the Olympiads from the Regional Center for Vocational Education in Nisko;
  • Mr. Mariusz Skupień – teacher and supervisor of many winners and finalists of the Olympiads from the Complex of Technical and General Education Schools named after Stefana Banacha in Jarosław.

During the ceremony, distinguished individuals were honored for their personal contribution to the implementation of the innovative youth education program.

The Presidium of the National Council of the Polish Union of Volunteers and Rural Development (PZSWiR) awarded the title of “FRIEND OF YOUTH” to the following youth guardians and organizers for their personal contribution and commitment to innovative education and professional activation of young people:

  • Mr. Piotr Zakrzewski – Vice-President of the Patent Office of the Republic of Poland;
  • Mr. Janusz Niedziółka – Head of Department at the Department of Qualifications Strategy and Vocational Education at the Ministry of National Education;
  • Ms. Magdalena Wojtasz – Director of the Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski;
  • Ms. Agnieszka Tokarska – Osyczka – teacher of vocational subjects, supervisor of many winners and finalists of the Olympiads from the Center for Vocational and Continuing Education No. 1 “Budowlanka in Zielona Góra;
  • Mr. Andrzej Majer – supervisor, teacher of vocational subjects
    from the Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski;
  • Mr. Mateusz Nawrot – teacher of vocational subjects, supervisor of many winners and finalists of the Olympiads from the Electronics School Complex in Lublin.

During the two-day ceremony, the Olympiad winners presented their distinguished works:

  • Mr. Paweł Obsadny from the Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski presented works entitled: “AiBach Automatic Organ Playing System”;
  • Mr. Jakub Pryszczewski and Mr. Maciej Szewczak from the Electronics School Complex
    from Lublin presented their work entitled: “Waste Wise: Smart Technology for Waste”;
  • Mr. Gabriel Czubak from the Technical School Complex in Ostrów Wielkopolski presented the work entitled: “PV self-consumption regulator”;
  • Mr. Mateusz Jeżyk and Mr. Patryk Brzozowski from the Electronics School Complex
    im. Bohaterów Westerplatte in Radom and Mr. Mateusz Wydra from the Technical School Complex named after Tadeusz Kościuszko in Radom presented the work
    pn.: “Unmanned flying-walking platform “SPARKY”.

The ceremony was summed up by the Chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Olympiad, Mr. Zbigniew Matuszczak, who presented the most important figures of this year’s edition of the Olympiad, congratulated the winners and finalists, expressing the hope that today, being young science enthusiasts, in the future they will not lose the valuable element within themselves, which is the desire to discover something new.

This year’s summaries were not only an opportunity to honor the winners, but also to promote the idea of ​​innovation and technology among young people. The aim of the Olympiads is to develop a passion for learning, inspire students to think creatively and encourage them to search for new, innovative solutions.