Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

Joseph Trzionka has passed away

July 31, 2023. Jozef Trzionka, editor, association activist, instructor of the Polish Scouting Association, has passed away. Editor Trzionka was a respected popularizer of technology, authoring countless articles on both the history of technology and the latest technical developments. From 1981 to 1994 he was editor-in-chief of Młody Technika, the magazine on which generations of Polish engineers were raised. In recent years, he has been passionate about the future of communications development, particularly automotive. He wrote for many newspapers. He has worked closely with the Technical Review for more than 20 years.

He was a social activist, a passionate and committed man, dedicated to the technical education of children and young people. He started this activity while he was still a scouting instructor, first in Silesia and then in Warsaw. Jozef Trzionka held the following positions: team leader, commander of the “Orbita” strain in Raciborz, and member of the Hufflepuff command.

Since 1976. At the General Headquarters of the Polish Scouting Association: instructor in the Department of High Schools, deputy head of the Department of Science and Technology, organizer of the student scientific movement in scouting.

He was one of the activists in the Polish Scouting and Guiding Association (ZHP) who, 50 years ago, together with the Supreme Technical Organization, took the initiative to organize the Olympiad of Technical Knowledge (OWT). He was a member of the OWT Main Committee until the last days of his life. In the Polish Scouting Association, he earned the rank of scoutmaster. His hobby was also hiking. He was the founder of the “Chodak” Scout Hiking Club. Organizer of one of the routes of the Copernican rally of Operation “Frombork – 1001” (1973), commander of the Bieszczady scout rally (1975), head of the Sports and Tourism Team at the headquarters of Operation “Bieszczady – 40” (1976).

As a community activist and popularizer of technology, he was involved in many activities. He was a founding member of the Society for Technical Culture, now called the Society for Culture and History of Technology (TKiHT). He was active in the Society’s authorities until the end. He was extremely helpful and collegial, and he maintained friendships from his years in the scouts by organizing meetings of the bridesmaids and groomsmen with whom he was active in the Polish Scouting Association for many years.

We’ve all lost a passionate techie, editor, printmaker, community activist. He will remain in our memory as a kind Fellow and an active person, willing to help others.

Ewa Mankiewicz-Cudny