Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

Over PLN 215 million from FNP for Polish scientists

International Research Agendas (IRAs) financed by the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP) are of key importance for the development of innovation and technology in Poland.

In mid-May, the first seven projects selected under the MAB received support in the total amount of PLN 215 million from the European Funds for Modern Economy (FENG) programme. Research works include the development of innovative solutions in the fields of medicine, biology, quantum technologies, new materials and terahertz radiation.

The International Research Agendas activity supports world-leading teams and research organisations that aim to achieve scientific excellence and international research competitiveness. The projects that won in the first two calls for proposals conducted by the Foundation for Polish Science are being implemented in six research centres in Warsaw (5 projects) and Gdańsk (2 projects). The funding was awarded through a competition, to which a total of 19 applications were submitted.

Deputy Minister of Science, Prof. Maria Mrówczyńska, congratulating the leaders of the winning projects, emphasised that the projects implemented under the International Research Agendas action not only strengthen Poland’s position in the global world of science, but also make a significant contribution to the development of civilisation and technology on an international scale.

– Our support for these ambitious projects is an expression of our faith in the potential of Polish scientists and their ability to conduct research at the highest world level. We believe that investments in innovative research agendas will not only contribute to the development of science in Poland, but will also bring concrete economic and social benefits in the future and strengthen the competitiveness of Polish science in the international arena. – noted prof. Maciej Żylicz, President of the Management Board of the Foundation for Polish Science, during the inauguration of the first projects financed by the FNP.

The MAB programme was established in 2015. and allowed the creation of 14 centres of excellence, where outstanding scientists work, using European funds from the POIR programme. They achieve excellent results in their research work. They proved that in Poland it is possible to overcome limitations and conduct scientific research in a modern way. – One of the significant achievements of the MAB programme is attracting scientists from outside the country to Poland. MAB Centres of Excellence are among the most internationalised centres in Poland. New funds from FENG will allow us to further develop MAB centres of excellence in Poland – summarized the FNP president.

Jolanta Czudak

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