Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

PLN 440 million from European Funds for technologies of the future

Vigo Photonics, under an agreement with the National Center for Research and Development, is starting the implementation of the project “HyperPIC – Photonic integrated circuits for mid-infrared applications”. Thanks to it, the company wants to introduce innovative products on a global scale to the market that meet the needs of, among others, AI, IoT, industry 4.0, agriculture 4.0. This is a great opportunity to strengthen the technological potential of the Polish economy.

HyperPic has been selected for funding within the IPCEI – Microelectronics/ Communication Technologies competition, implemented by NCBR from the European Funds for Modern Economy program. The amount of funding is over PLN 440 million, and the total value of the project is over PLN 853 million.

– This groundbreaking undertaking, implemented under the European Funds for Modern Economy programme, is an important step towards the technological advantage of Europe. We welcome with great appreciation the significant investment of PLN 853 million, of which PLN 440 million comes from European Funds. This initiative will not only contribute to the development of innovative solutions, but will also create a solid foundation for the future growth and competitiveness of the European industry. We are convinced that HyperPIC will play an important role in the development of the microelectronics and communication technologies sector. This is another example of how European cooperation can lead to real innovation and prosperity for our continent – says Angela Martinez-Sarasola, Head of the Polish Unit in the Directorate-General for Regional and Urban Policy, European Commission.

The IPCEI (Important Projects of Common European Interest) mechanism is one of the most important instruments supporting the new economic policy and competition policy of the European Union. Its aim is to strengthen the potential of European industry in the context of global competition. It is important to build Europe’s independence in value chains that are strategic for its development. Importantly, IPCEI enables access to support in an amount not available in other instruments and effectively supports cooperation within European enterprises. IPCEI was launched, among others, for the area of microelectronics under the name “Microelectronics and Communication Technology”, or ME/CT for short. The IPCEI ME/CT project brings together the largest European companies in the semiconductor sector, both in the field of microelectronics and photonics.

The National Centre for Research and Development exists to enable, facilitate and support the activities of scientists and entrepreneurs. Through us, European Funds reach companies that will shape the solutions of tomorrow. NCBR has a vast, 17-year experience in participating in programs from EU funds and transferring these funds to entrepreneurs and scientists. Vigo Photonics has participated in competitions organized by NCBR many times. It is therefore a great example of a company that uses the offer of public funds as best as it can. The company itself benefits from this, which is visible from its dynamic development, as well as the Polish and European economy. I am glad that projects such as HyperPIC will “brand” Polish technological thought in Europe and around the world – says prof. PhD. Eng. Jerzy Małachowski, director of NCBR.

Vigo Photonics as a Leader or Beneficiary received, excluding the HyperPic project, funding for the implementation of a total of 11 other projects for a total amount of over PLN 101.5 million. As a consortium member, the company participated in 10 projects that received funding for a total amount of over PLN 50 million. These projects were implemented with partners: Warsaw University of Technology, Military University of Technology, Institute of Electron Technology in Warsaw, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Institute of Microelectronics and Photonics, Lodz University of Technology.

The enormous potential of photonics

Most precision devices that allow for the detection and analysis of individual molecules of various types of gases or volatile substances in the mid-infrared have significant limitations in entering mass markets due to their high price and large dimensions of the entire system. The system currently consists of a radiation source (laser), a receiver (detector) and the entire data processing system. The project for which we obtained funding concerns the miniaturization and integration of the entire system to the chip level. Such integration and the possibility of producing chips on a mass scale, and consequently reducing the costs of the entire system, will create enormous potential for use in all sectors of industry, as well as in consumer electronics that surround us every day. We can honestly say that at VIGO Photonics we are working on technologies of the future – says Dr. Adam Piotrowski, CEO of Vigo Photonics.

Vigo Photonics products may be integrated in everyday devices such as smartphones, household appliances or smart watches in the future. There is also a huge potential for them in the biomedicine, environmental protection or automotive markets. Information about the chemical composition, distance or temperature of physical objects that can be collected using such sensors will be an excellent source of data for processing for artificial intelligence, introducing it to the next level of development.

The HyperPIC project is a multi-year investment program that, as its creators expect, will also be an impulse for the development of the Polish photonics technology cluster. It will provide many new jobs, both directly in the project and in the ecosystem of partners and customers, and will attract engineering talent to Poland. Thanks to the HyperPIC project, the company will introduce to the market innovative products on a global scale that meet the needs of AI, IoT, industry 4.0, agriculture 4.0, etc. The company also expects the project to have a strong impact on the entire ecosystem of Polish photonics, ultimately allowing Poland to become a significant player in the integrated photonics industry in Europe.

The IPCEI competition is an instrument implementing Priority II – Innovation-friendly environment of the European Funds for a Modern Economy (FENG) Programme.

Source: NCBR