Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

What about this commercialization?

Polish experts have created the world’s first tool for commercializing innovative projects, which solves the problem for thousands of enterprises and R&D centers.

Robert Kazimierski, leader of the team that developed this methodology, is interviewed by Jolanta Czudak.

– How does the methodology of The Commpass, differ from the methods and systems previously used related to project management in companies?

– This is a completely different tool from the methods associated with process optimization and project management. We focus on sales, the key phase of any business. The success of the business depends on it. We have thoroughly researched the market and know that entrepreneurs, managers, inventors and innovators have been lacking such a tool to guide them step by step, from the first thought – a concept to the launch of a product, technology or service. It is a multi-level and extremely interdisciplinary process. This is a strong light that illuminates the path to commercialization. We also have a conviction that the familiar face of commercialization, involving the sale of a company or the granting of a license, is very often a shortcut, fraught with the loss of real benefits. With The Commpass, almost any company, by its own efforts, can bring about the commercialization of products and services.

– How does one create such a complex tool? How was The Commpass created?

– It was a long process. Creating the methodology was both a fascinating and intellectually and organizationally challenging project. Each of the nine stages, in addition to creation, required implementation tests to catch as much as possible the nuances, possible doubts of future commercialization managers. I must point out that The Commpass is neither an application nor an information system. This is a very solidly and precisely written methodology, navigating through all aspects of the market. It consists of knowledge and experience of practitioners, tools and expert guidance. Each stage has its own structure and system for safeguarding the interests of the project owner.

The proprietary methodology of The Commpass was developed by a team of experts from various fields. Each of us has management experience and at least three managerial specialties, confirmed by education, expertise and experience. For example, the team includes a physicist and also a prominent quality management expert, an Olympic athlete and also an automation and business process expert. We have experience in almost every industry in the economy. All are passionate about project management and achieving competitive advantages. We prepare our clients to gain a competitive edge in the open market. Without a methodical approach to sales, this is almost unattainable.

– Why is this happening?

– We have a hugely saturated market and gigantic competition. If we are not very precise, methodical and meticulous under such conditions and in such an environment, we will simply lose. If we try to market something with this approach, the risk of failure is great. Success will not be achieved by trial and error. It’s too expensive. And it’s not just about money. It’s also a gigantic social cost. We will be overtaken by corporations and companies, using methodical tools and capital, of which there are many in the international market. Polish entrepreneurs face them every day. In our opinion, it’s an uneven fight. That’s why The Commpass methodology was created.

– Are entrepreneurs using this methodology in practice?

– Yes, but they must receive professional training in this area. Theory alone is not enough. There are about a hundred entities using these methodological tools in the Polish market. We want as many of them as possible, so that they do not make mistakes and avoid business failures. We help companies to commercialize their products, as well as to go through the process of change and get them out of trouble. Business operations cannot be conducted on an ad hoc basis without proper preparation, which unfortunately is very often the case. Usually it happens that a company invents a product or sources products for sale and is convinced that it will be a hit in the market, but it doesn’t work that way. This romantic approach worked well in the 1990s. ub. century, when everything could be sold, while today it is bought with many risks and sometimes disasters. You can’t start production without a thorough analysis and check of market expectations. It is not uncommon for a company to focus first on building a production hall or warehouse, buying machinery, equipment, cars and many other things before investigating whether anyone would want to buy its products and at what scale. Entrepreneurs who implement the methodology see that this axis runs completely elsewhere. We even developed a philosophy of The Commpass methodology. It’s commee-centrism.

– What does this mean?

– Commee-centrism means that everything revolves around meeting the needs or solving the problem of the prospective buyer of a product or service. It’s obvious, isn’t it? It turns out that not quite. Entrepreneurs very often bypass the basic foundations of business by a wide margin. Instead, they “burn through” crores on advertising, unfortunately also without a marketing plan and strategy. First we need to know why someone needs our product, whether they can do without it, what pricing strategy to adopt, how to get it to the customer, how to communicate with the world, who to invite to cooperate with us, how to price this business so that this production is profitable and viable. Only after these arrangements are made do we begin to shoot the activities of launching production, marketing and other things. In the middle of all this is Commee-centrism, that is, a correctly diagnosed market need and the ability to meet it. I’m stating the obvious, but in practice it is the case that if an entrepreneur has a knife at his throat and the prospect of paying his employees, he wants to act as quickly as possible, and unfortunately, this is a mistake.

– It’s probably not an easy task for an entrepreneur to estimate all this so meticulously. How does The Commpass help with this?

– One of the main features of this methodology is phased management. Using practical tools, we guide entrepreneurs through the entire, multi-level process. Each stage is structured and we have full control over whether what we offer and want to sell has market and business validity. This is because everything, at every stage, can be very carefully estimated as to strategic issues. This includes spending money, product or service features, the role of the team, communication and information from the market. We scrupulously monitor this and indicate whether this potential will bring concrete benefits to the entrepreneur and lead to success.

– How can entrepreneurs, R&D centers implement The Commpass methodology?

– There are three ways. First of all, we train employees in methodology. The second way is thorough training, examination and certification of commercialization managers. This mode is particularly advantageous because the commercialization manager has full preparation for managing commercialization in the company, besides, the training cycle takes place on a specific product or service of the company. The third way is to involve our experts in commercialization in the enterprise on the basis of The Commpass. Going through this process is a guarantee of success for entrepreneurs and research centers.

– Thank you for the interview.

The Commpass is the world’s first methodical tool for commercializing and bringing innovative solutions, products and services to market and managing ongoing sales. In nine steps, the methodology identifies market needs, verifies entrepreneurs’ strategic plans, “creates” a product, organizes and increases sales efficiency, gives full control over finances and radically cools business risks.

Robert Kazimierski