Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll


Tomorrowland music festival in Belgium aired according to start-up Tapio and portal Euractive, 150,000 t. CO2. 79% of the emissions come from visitors. Perhaps it should,” he suggests in Economy. pl – to apply to the European Commission for a ban on mass events involving “visitors” unless they are able to reach them on foot or by bicycle. The ban should also apply to the Olympics and sports competitions as well as the Davos Economic Forum and the World Climate Conferences, and Pope Francis should cancel his trips, especially general audiences at the Vatican.

Travelers to EU headquarters in Brussels and Stuttgart also emit, but it is an emission of intellect and progress without a carbon footprint.

Agriculture Minister Robert Telus believes that spirits are being added to the beer of large corporations. – People are looking if a brewery is local. This is also a good direction, not those big corporations that add spirits to beer. This is the worst thing, that beer is very often baptized with alcohol. Especially the high-alcohol ones do not have alcohol from fermentation (…) this is a sure fraud,” he told Polish Radio 24. One of the concerns immediately responded that this was slander, and that it would be unprofitable and illegal to add spirits to beer.

How time flies: the famous jabol in communist Poland was a mixture of apple juice and spirit with SO2 added. It paid off!

Climatologist Prof. Szymon Malinowski is concerned that even in the context of elections and voting for a particular option, one does not hear consideration of how a particular party or a particular politician approaches climate change. – We consider all sorts of programmatic aspects, get emotional about many issues, including personal animosities, but almost no one takes this factor into account,” he concluded. He added that a “displacement, flip-flopping approach” is often observed in many countries, reports

Rest assured, the election campaign is about to begin, and with it the slogan: “Only our party will stop climate change, and those others will lead to disaster.”

The most garbage is produced in seaside resorts, reveals According to statistics, tourist towns such as Jastarnia, Mielno (1 t 34 kg of garbage per capita per year in a rural area), Leba, Puck, Dziwnów and Międzyzdroje produce the most garbage per year. In Wladyslawowo, per capita there is approx. 2 t of mixed garbage per year. It is estimated that Wladyslawowo is visited by approx. 300,000. tourists per year, In recent years, as a result, the amount of waste generated has increased by up to 170%.

At last, it has become clear where the popularity of tourism comes from: travel agencies are secretive enterprises for exporting internal garbage.

The rich poison the most. Their impact on the Earth is much worse than the rest, researchers from the University of Leeds have discovered, as reported by A new study suggests that a small reduction in “luxury” energy consumption by the 20% richest will have seven times the impact of forcing the 20% poorest to give up their basic needs. Taxing luxury goods and services, such as air travel and SUVs, would be a fairer and more effective way to reduce household carbon emissions than applying a flat carbon tax rate to all purchases.

Already the Bolsheviks discovered the need to liquidate the rich. Now it has scientific justification.


(fot. Pixabay)