Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

Elevators and platforms from under a woman’s hand

We beat the competition with the quality and commercialization methodology of The Commpass – says Magdalena Taras, CEO of Global Lift Poland (GLP). – Gaining a competitive advantage is never easy. Requires meticulous analysis, careful identification of needs markets, thoughtful strategy and professional management. Low prices and half-measures are a thing of the past. In providing special services, safety, accountability, sustainability and customer trust are important.

Global Lift Poland, which has been operating in the lifting industry for 25 years, has gone through various periods. It took a huge effort to compete with the giants offering installation of passenger elevators and platforms. There was a time when growing confidence in GLP’s services, however, did not result in an increase in competitive advantage. Professional management of the team yielded good results, but the decisive change came after the introduction of The Commpass commercialization methodology.

I heard from one of our partners about the effectiveness of this business tool and this was the best recommendation for us,” Magdalena Taras argues. – We went through a six-month training cycle on The Commpass commercialization methodology and became a leader in the crane market, especially when it comes to large-size cargo platforms installed in warehouse companies, supermarkets and manufacturers of many industrial branches, he adds.

Innovative solutions and commercialization plan

Global Lift Poland has the most effective and modern technological solutions. They allow the platform to be mounted in a convenient location and the platform to be raided from all sides. Steel structures have become a real hit in the crane industry market.

Our latest product is an innovative platform that a truck with all its cargo will be able to drive onto, and the goods will already be unloaded there,” the GLP president emphasizes.. – I don’t need to explain how this streamlines the entire process and what it means to the customer. Thanks to the training we undertook as part of The Commpass’ 9-step commercialization cycle, we solved all the problems and risks in the company, focusing on the benefits and opportunities. This has allowed us to establish GLP’s dominant position in the market.

The company has developed a mission AND an operating philosophy. “Eliminating height barriers with the highest quality” accompanies the team. At Global Lift Poland, everything started to come together like the proverbial LEGO bricks. This very quickly brought concrete results for the company, as well as for customers, who saw the benefits and new prospects opening up for them in business

Leader in the team

The commercialization manager has a pivotal role in the company. He is a team leader, responsible for several processes simultaneously, including market analysis, product development work, robust calculations and forecasts, and a whole range of marketing and sales streams. Added to this is the selection of personnel and the implementation of a specific project.

I manage the company, but at the same time I am the commercialization manager,” reports Magdalena Taras, who has been with Global Lift Poland for 15 years. – I learned the specifics of the company in detail and went through all levels in it, up to the position of president. I ended up here in my third year of studying political science and project management. At first I translated technical documents from Italian…. and that’s how I stayed here. GLP’s parent company is headquartered in Milan, and GLP, as its subsidiary, operates in Poland.

Magdalena Taras, at the outset, by translating all the technical and technological nuances into Polish, gained the knowledge necessary to lead such a specialized company, in which design and assembly decisions are, of course, the responsibility of engineers. One of the keys is mutual trust with engineers, mechanics and maintainers, because with this type of product in the crane industry, the most important thing is professionalism and the highest quality of service.

Today, satisfied customers return to the company with repeat orders. Interestingly, they don’t haggle over price, because they know that safety and durability cannot be spared. There have been known cases where choosing the cheapest bid ended dramatically for the investor. Recently, such an incident also occurred in Mazovia, where a man was killed during the construction of an elevator shaft.

Such shafts in the construction of passenger elevators or platforms must not be made by random people, the GLP president warns. – We carry out such investments throughout Poland, engaging subcontractors, only with authorizations. This is what our responsibility to the ordering party requires.

During The Commpass commercialization methodology training, the security aspect was prioritized on par with professional competence. Each GLP investment undergoes very meticulous inspections by the Technical Inspection Authority before being put into operation, to further eliminate even the slightest risk.

Servicing written into the contract

A reliable company does not end contact with its customer after the order is completed. Passenger and freight cranes require maintenance and sometimes repair. After all, no equipment lasts forever and sometimes breaks down. Global Lift Poland’s partners are manufacturers of high-quality equipment and steel structures for elevator and platform assembly from Italy and Spain. Spare parts or other items are delivered in no time if needed. Fast and efficient servicing of equipment distinguishes GLP in the lifting industry.

Information is reaching us that this approach is not always the standard in our industry,” the CEO notes. – Not all declare maintenance services, much less for the lifetime of the device. This causes various downtimes for investors, due to failures that occur. Sometimes you have to wait a very long time for such repairs, which exposes elevator and platform users to serious financial losses. In the case of our company, such situations never happen. We respond to all signals promptly, but I must admit that they are few, because our equipment is made of the best materials and assembled by professional teams.

A solid company cannot risk losing credibility in any respect, especially if it is the market leader in the crane industry. And so elevators and platforms from under a woman’s hand provide a guarantee of durable and long-lasting use.

Jolanta Czudak

Photos: GLP

GLP’s mission has also been naturally and broadly reflected in its activities for people with disabilities. The company, as a platform manufacturer, is able to install the device under almost any circumstances. Over the past year, it has become a strategic partner of the Integration Foundation, the largest NGO supporting, among other things, the systemic removal of barriers for people with disabilities. The result of the cooperation is the Elevator Guide, which provides a step-by-step guide to obtaining financial support from Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego for the purchase and installation of platforms. – Publicly funded investments that adapt buildings to the needs of people with disabilities, caregivers with young children or the elderly is a breakthrough. Inviting us to such an important activity, is the activation of this second, sensitive and caring “lung” of the company – Magdalena Taras says. Global Lift Poland will showcase its solutions at the Accessibility Forum in November 2023. On the grounds of the Poznań Fair.

Magdalena Taras, prezeska zarządu Global Lift Polska (GLP)