Monthly magazine of the Federation of NOT Scientific and Technical Associations

30th edition of the Golden Engineer poll

In issue 12/2022


Openwork structures

Walking down the sidewalk, it is impossible not to notice the steel structures, but since they are so common in our environment, along and up the street/road, so we just don’t pay attention to them. Well, unless you hit one with your head or car.

Jerzy Bojanowicz

Cities in pincers, industry in shackles

Innovation as a process has become a feature of the most highly developed economies since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in the 17th century. Technological progress has changed in nature from leaps and bounds to permanent. This was made possible by steady investment, which in turn was made possible by the emergence of a new class of people who understand the workings of money in the economy.

Zygmunt Jazukiewicz

Signals about technology

Jerzy Bojanowicz

Invention and Design Marketplace: Masters of photochemistry

One of the renowned faculties of the Cracow University of Technology is the Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Technology. Here the Laboratory of Applied Photochemistry was established, led by Dr. Eng. Joanna Ortyl. Over the course of several years, this lab’s team has developed a long series of inventions related to photochemical reactions and their applications.



Latest trends in cataract surgery

Intense technological advances in the introduction of mini-invasive surgical techniques have caused cataract surgery to develop very strongly in the last decade, assures – in an interview with Jolanta Czudak – Professor. Ph. n. med. Robert Rejdak head of the Department of General Ophthalmology at the Medical University of Lublin, pro-rector of the university and also president of the Association of Polish Ophthalmic Surgeons.


For 15 years, CUPT has been supporting Polish transport

The 15th anniversary of the Center for EU Transport Projects from the perspective of the development of Polish transport with the use of EU funds was discussed at an expert Forum held on November 22. in Warsaw.

Forestry in the era of climate change – how to monitor changes and how to respond to them?

The forest as we have known it for many years is currently undergoing rapid change. Increasingly, we have to lean into phenomena that, if they occurred before, were not on the scale observed today. In general, the effects of these phenomena are negative for forest ecosystems throughout almost the entire country. We need to realize that this is not about visible catastrophic events, such as the hurricane that devastated in 2017. large forest areas, from Greater Poland to the Tuchola Forest, described as the disaster of the century. Negative changes that affect forests are mostly invisible to outside observers, but they are the subject of debate among academics, practicing foresters and policy makers who shape forest policy.

Bożydar Neroj,

Bureau of Forest Management and Geodesy – Board of Directors, Agricultural University named after him. Hugo Kołłątaj in Kraków – Faculty of Forestry

Biogas and biomethane in the energy transition

December 1 this year. The conference “Biogas and Biomethane in the Polish Energy-Gas Transition” organized by the Union of Producers and Employers of Biogas and Biomethane Industries (UPEBBI) took place in Warsaw. The event was an opportunity for industry representatives to meet and discuss the role that biogas and biomethane can play in the future Polish energy mix.


Vanishing professions (36): From beadwork to… kevlar

In our society,” according to a survey published in 2022. in a report by the Polish Institute of International Affairs, “Poles about the United States and Polish-American relations,” there is a widespread belief that the Polish community in America has limited influence on American domestic and foreign policy. More than half of respondents described this influence as limited, while one in five said that Polonia has no such influence, and only one in ten respondents had a different opinion.

Marek Bielski


Science Film Festival Winners.

The first Science Film Festival organized by Warsaw University of Technology is behind us. In the feature film category, the winner was Thor Klein for his picture “Geniuses” about Polish mathematician Stanislaw Ulam. While for the best short film, the festival jury recognized Karolina Juszczyk’s realization “Nascal Art – from Poland to Venezuela. The story of a found manuscript.”

Lidia Sosnowska


Commercialization of research. There is no golden mean

Building a modern economy requires a constant search for new technological solutions. This is why good cooperation between science and business is so important. Especially with regard to the application of research results in practice. Polish technical universities are aware of this and are taking many steps towards implementing the developed solutions in industry or services. In their experience, there is no single proven recipe for successful commercialization.

Lidia Sosnowska

Analysis of the component design of an innovative 9 m3 mixer drum

The publication covers the analysis of the developed design of the individual elements of the shell and mixing and discharging spiral of an innovative mixer drum of a 9m3 hydraulic truck concrete mixer. A complex design process was carried out for the various components in question in terms of the developed material analysis and manufacturing technology. The design of the mixer’s components was verified in 3D-CAD and a numerical FEA analysis was carried out for the key segments of the spiral, which directly determines the realization of a correct and efficient concrete mixing process. The result of the completed work was the development of a comprehensive technical documentation of the author’s mixer design, including detailed drawings of the components along with a description of the manufacturing technology and the selection of the initial material – steel with increased wear resistance.

Dr.-Ing. Jacek Bernaczek and Dr. Ing. Paweł Fudali Rzeszów University of Technology named after him. I. Lukasiewicz and Anita Kalandyk, M.Sc. Mateusz Koperski and Marek Nagnajewicz, M.D., INA Sp. z o.o.

James Dyson 2022 award for Poles!

The SmartHEAL smart dressing by Warsaw University of Technology doctoral students has won the James Dyson Foundation competition. The solution is to help chronic wounds heal. The winners will receive 162,000. PLN for further development of his idea.


Sky overhead: Winter conjunctions


We are all consumers

The food industry is one of the most important and fastest-growing branches of the Polish economy, but its resilience to the current economic crisis is limited. Domestic food producers, who are in the Scientific and Technical Association of the Food Industry (SITSpoż.)-affiliated FSNT-NOT, are looking for rational solutions to survive the difficult situation. Elected a few months ago, the new chairman of the SITSpoż. main board, owner of Ewa Bis Group and IFS Business Development Consultant CEE, Marek Marzec believes that actions taken within the organization can have a real impact on this.

The castle lives on what it earns

The Society of Polish Mechanical Engineers and Technicians (SIMP) has been using one of the country’s most valuable gems of Baroque architecture for more than half a century. It is a castle in Rydzyna, near Leszno, which provides hotel and catering services. The historic building, rescued and rebuilt by SIMP after it burned down, bustles with life almost every day. Many attractive events and activities are held here, attracting tourists from home and abroad.

Jolanta Czudak


December anniversary

President Gabriel Narutowicz was an outstanding individual of Polish and European technology and science in the field of water management.

prof. Ph. Marian Drozdowski

Electricity and magnetism

Described in the previous episode of this series, electricity from batteries invented by Alexander Volta still serves us today. Without it, it would be impossible to use cell phones, for example. But battery electricity allows you to meet your needs only on a small scale. The battery-powered flashlight will illuminate a pony hole, but not the entire street. Electricity from batteries will drive a scooter, but not a locomotive.

Ryszard Tadeusiewicz

Great investments of the Second Republic (8): How were they financed?

In previous episodes, we presented some examples of the great investments that were made during the Second Republic. The ambitious undertakings required the Polish government to allocate equally enormous resources, which was not an easy task a few years after independence. One bank was supposed to help with this.

Opr. Bronislaw Hynowski


Wine for the Engineer (270): Christmas challenge

Feature. It’s been a tough year

Philosophy of technical concepts (190): Foil

Candidates for the title “Golden Engineer 2022”: Beata Wittmann, Jan Bliszczuk, Roman Węglicki, Teofil Jesionowski, Janusz Wojciech Sikora



PT review: silva rerum prof. Jerzy Niewodniczański