Miesięcznik Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT

30. edycja plebiscytu Złoty Inżynier
Baner poziomy

This is what our most important scientific award is commonly called: evenana since 1992. Annual Award of the Foundation for Polish Science (FNP)

Founded in 1991. an independent, self-financing non-profit non-governmental institution, is Poland’s largest non-budgetary source of science funding. In line with its main motto: tosupport the best so that they can become even better, it awards prizes and scholarships to outstanding scientists and research teams in all fields of science, as well as subsidies for the implementation of scientific achievements into business practice, and supports other important projects serving science, such as: publishing programs and conferences. It supports innovative ventures and commercializes scientific inventions, and is committed to supporting international scientific cooperation and increasing the scientific independence of the younger generation of scholars.

Since 2011. FNP awards are given in 4. areas of life and earth sciences, chemical and materials sciences, mathematical and physical sciences and engineering sciences, and humanities and social sciences, for special scientific achievements and discoveries that push the boundaries of cognition and open up new cognitive perspectives, make an outstanding contribution to the civilizational and cultural progress of our country, and ensure Poland’s prominent place in addressing the most ambitious challenges of the modern world.

Candidates are proposed by representatives of the scientific community invited by name by the Board and Council of the Foundation. In the current term, it is composed of professors: Tomasz Guzik(Collegium Medicum of Jagiellonian University) – chairman of the Council, Grażyna Jurkowlaniec(Institute of Art History, Faculty of Culture and Art Sciences, Warsaw University) – vice-chairman of the Council, Piotr Garstecki(Institute of Physical Chemistry of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw), Jan Kotwica (Institute of Animal Reproduction and Food Research of the Polish Academy of Sciences in Olsztyn), Tomasz Łuczak(Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań), Aleksandra Łuszczyńska (SWPS University) Maria Nowakowska(Faculty of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University). A. Mickiewicz in Poznań), Aleksandra Łuszczyńska (SWPS University) Maria Nowakowska(Department of Chemistry, Jagiellonian University). It acts as the competition’s Chapter and decides on the selection of the winners on the basis of the opinions of appointed experts (mainly from abroad) evaluating the merits of the applications (their quality, originality and the importance of the candidate’s scientific achievements in a given field) and independent reviewers making a comparative assessment of the candidates’ achievements (within each area of science), who are outstanding scholars, specialists in the given areas and disciplines.

Of the 85. of the nominated candidates, the Foundation Council selected the winners (their group now includes 117. people), who became: prof. Krzysztof Liberek, prof. Marcin Stępień, prof. Rafal Latala and prof. Maria Lewicka. The Awards Ceremony (PLN 200,000 gross) was held on December 6. at the Royal Castle in Warsaw and was broadcast on line on the FNP channel on YouTube.

Jerzy Bojanowicz, based on materials from the Foundation for Polish Science

Read more: https://www.sigma-not.pl/publikacja-146575-kolejne-polskie-noble-przeglad-techniczny-2023-12.html