Miesięcznik Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT

Baner poziomy

Museum of Industry and Technology

During the existence of the Museum of Industry and Agriculture (MPiR) in Warsaw, the Ministry of Military Affairs (MIA), attached to the War Industries Department, began collecting exhibits lent or donated to the department by industrialists interested in supplying the military.

The collection in 4 years numbered about 1,000. exhibits. It was then that the idea of moving the collection outside the Ministry building and making it available to the wider public was born at the Ministry. As a result of an agreement between the Ministry of the Interior, the mayor of Warsaw and the president of the Ministry of Industry, all the exhibits were transferred to this museum, which created a branch of the Polish Museum of Industry for this purpose.

In April 1929. was held (on the initiative of prominent Eng. Kazimierz Jackowski) an organizational meeting of the new facility, at which a provisional charter was adopted and an interim board of directors was elected for the autonomous unit, but it remained within the framework of the MPiR. The director of the new facility became Eng. K. Jackowski. In the spring of 1931. recognized scientists and engineers formed the Circle of Friends of the Museum of Technology and Industry. Their idea was to get the public more involved in the construction of the Museum. At the first meeting of the Circle, it was decided to launch several professional sections to organize the various departments of the Museum and teaching activities. In the following months, the Circle not only prepared the concept for the exhibition, but also drafted a new statute for the museum. In this statute, due to the desire to expand the facility’s spectrum of activities, the name of the Polish Museum of Industry was changed to the Museum of Technology and Industry (MTiP).

Bronislaw Hynowski

Read more: https://www.sigma-not.pl/publikacja-146589-muzeum-przemys%C5%82u-i-techniki-przeglad-techniczny-2023-12.html