Miesięcznik Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT

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Preparation of publications

“Technical Review” is a scientific and technical journal with a separate information and journalistic and scientific and research section.

Scientific research articles are published in SCIENCE, and the author receives for publication
20 pts. According to the MEiN announcement of July 17, 2023. On the list of scientific journals and peer-reviewed materials from international conferences.

The SCIENCE section may include scientific and research articles presenting the results of work in various fields, problems of a review nature, as well as monothematic articles on a specific technical solution.

The article should be submitted to the editor in an editable version in MS Word editor (version not older than 97-2003).

  • Each article should include:
  • title in Polish and English,
  • an abstract in Polish and English,
  • Keywords in Polish and English (max. 6 keywords).
  • The names of the authors and their affiliation

The layout of the article should highlight the introduction, the development of the topic, and the conclusion and conclusion.
The volume of the article should not exceed 4 pages in print (1 page of print – max 6000 characters with spaces).
The editors accept for publication only original papers, not previously published in other journals or conference proceedings.
In the text, you can highlight those elements or passages that should be particularly highlighted (in italics, bold or color). Footnotes supplementing and explaining the basic text should be written at the bottom of the page on which they appear. Moderation in the use of footnotes is recommended.
Formulas should be limited only to the necessary and numbered with consecutive Arabic numerals, in round brackets to the right. They should be written very legibly. Greek letters should be described in the margins (e.g. β – beta). Clearly differentiate the number “0” and the capital letter “O”. The notation of powers and subscripts should be especially clear.
In formulas and text, use units of the International System of Units SI. Units in tables and figure descriptions should be given after a comma, not in parentheses.
The title and the subheadings should be as short as possible, succinctly capturing the content of the article or chapter. Mid-titles should not be numbered
Tables should be numbered with Arabic numerals. The title of the table should be above the table (if there is only one table in the article, “1” is not entered).
Drawings should be optimally detailed. Avoid foreign words in drawings, replacing them with Polish equivalents. Descriptions of drawings given at the x, y axes should be in capital letters and the unit after a comma (without square brackets), for example. Weight, g.
All diagrams, drawings and photographs are called drawings and numbered consecutively (if there is only 1 drawing do not write “1”). When making a drawing for publication, care should be taken not to use too thin lines and small fonts in axis descriptions, as they may become unreadable when reduced.
Photographs can be in color or black and white, should be provided in graphic form, in formats (e.g. tiff, gif, jpg, bmp) with a resolution of min. 300 dpi. The text of the article should indicate the place of insertion of the following figures and the caption under the figure.
In the case of illustrations taken from publications that have proprietary copyrights, the author is required to provide permission for reprinting.
Literature cited in the article should be placed at the end of the article. Chicago style is used to format the bibliography.

The creation of a Chicago-style bibliography is subject to the following rules:

  1. The title “Bibliography” (“Literature”, “References”) is centered relative to the column;2. Bibliography format:
    • [1] Name of the author of the publication, First name. Year of Issue. “Title”. Periodical volume (notebook): pages, e.g..
    • [1] Kawlewski Krzysztof, Eugeniusz Świtoński. 2013. “Application of genetic algorithms in optimization of control of working movements of a bridge crane”. Industrial Transportation and Work Machinery 19 (1): 37-41;
  2. Entries (literature items) are arranged in alphabetical order;
  3. Successive entries are one line (verse) apart;
  4. The first line of each entry is aligned to the left margin, and each subsequent line has a space of five spaces from the left margin.
  5. The bibliography can be found at the very end of the entire text.

All research and problem papers submitted for publication are reviewed. If the work requires corrections and/or additions, the author should make them within a maximum of 1 month. Failure to return the revised work by this date will mean that the Author will not publish the work. The editors reserve the right to make linguistic (stylistic) corrections.

Articles can be delivered:

At the time of delivery of the article to the editor, the Author(s) should include information for quick contact, ie:

  • name,
  • affiliation of Author(s),
  • email address and contact phone.

Komentuje Waldemar Rukść