Miesięcznik Federacji Stowarzyszeń Naukowo-Technicznych NOT

30. edycja plebiscytu Złoty Inżynier
Baner poziomy

More than a dozen such Days are held in the country. Some have a long tradition and number up to several dozen editions. Others have emerged more recently and are looking for a formula for themselves based on the traditions, but also the present day of the region.

A case worth discussing is the 5th Mazovian Technology Days. They were initiated by the Warsaw Branch of the Association of Polish Engineers and Technicians (SIMP) and the NOT Field Organizational Units in Ciechanów, Ostrołęka, Płock, Radom and Warsaw. It is a pity that the unit in Siedlce did not join their ranks. But maybe in the new edition ?

The initiative of the capital’s SIMP, which has been organizing Warsaw Technology Days for 12 years under the constant slogan “Warsaw – technology yesterday, today, tomorrow”, was not the first in Mazovia. Colleagues from NOT in Radom joined the joint initiative with years of experience. Their edition this year was the 35th, and the 13th in Plock.

Mazovian Days was not organized on a single date. Of course, in similar autumn timeframes (Ciechanow – 27-28.10 this year; Ostrołęka – 16-23.10 this year; Płock – 25-26.09 this year; Radom – 19-22.10 this year; Warsaw – 27.09-4.10 this year). This is because of the Days’ main target audience – schoolchildren. Because it is to it that the offer to learn about the technical achievements of the region and the city in which they live, study and many will tie their personal and professional career path.

The goals set for the Days by their organizers remain the same. This is the development of technical interests, which should result in an increase in the number of young people in technical schools and colleges. It is an introduction to technology in the life of the city and the scientific and research and industrial centers that function there. Through a selection of topics, presentations and thematic tours, the organizers want to broaden knowledge of the current state of technology, appreciate the engineering and technical profession, and inspire pride in technical achievements and accomplishments.

Judging by the interest of the youth, these goals were met. This was evidenced by the attention with which the prepared presentations were listened to, the questions addressed to the speakers and the fact that there was no leaving the lecture halls.

The formula for the Days in all regions was based on several elements. Firstly, thematic sessions and lectures organized in various places starting from the headquarters of NOT’s own units, as well as in local universities, cultural institutions or prepared venues.

Another form was tours in technical universities, laboratories of scientific and research institutes, industrial plants acquired for cooperation or other entities worth showing “from the inside” due to the technological solutions and adaptations of cutting-edge technical solutions used there. The spectrum of these places is rich and listing them would take up a lot of space. Of course, Warsaw offers such unique opportunities as a visit to the Subway Technical and Station in Kabaty, but equally interesting were visits to the headquarters of the Ostroleka Water and Sewage Company, the Radiation Waste Disposal Plant near Różan, learning about the Center for Education and History of the Warsaw Fire Department in Plock, or a visit to the airport in Sieraków and a meeting with pilot Eng. Tadeusz Wrona, famous for his emergency landing at Okecie, nota bene Honorary Engineer of the Technical Review.

Meetings with interesting people, creators and practitioners of technology, are another form. The organizers in their districts showed remarkable innovation and creativity in creating an interesting offer. Although the main target of the Days was the youth, but it was also important to invite the seniors of the association movement to participate in the Days. Many of them had the opportunity to see the changes in their former workplaces, which have been transformed often beyond recognition.

Colleagues from Radom prepared their XXXV Anniversary Days with great panache. Not only did they go out into the city with them by showing them at the Market Square, in the shopping mall, but they got the media to promote them to city residents. Something that Warsaw does not manage to do.

Another added value to the event was that although the initiative came from one of the Associations (SIMP), colleagues from other SNTs prepared their own presentations and demonstrations. Examples were programs prepared by local branches and circles of SEP, SITK, SITPoż, SWP (an exhibition prepared by textile workers from the Radom circle), also builders from MOIIB.

And to conclude. The realization of Mazovian Technology Days would not have been possible if it were not for the kindness and support of local authorities. This is not only the Honorary Patronage of Dr. Adam Struzik, Marshal of the Mazovian Voivodeship (MDT was also patronized by Ewa Mańkiewicz-Cudny – President of FSNT-NOT), but above all financial support – many activities were implemented from the budget of the Mazovian local government. It is also gratifying that the Days were covered under the patronage of city mayors and district governors, many of whom took part in the events happening as part of the Days.

Janusz M. Kowalski